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PHP Notice: Undefined index: hatası acil yardım!

merhaba ;

Script için cron işi ayarladığım zaman error log dosyasında söyle bir uyarı ile karşılaşıyorum.cron işi yapmıyor.

[05-Feb-2017 05:55:01] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  argv in /home/public_html/init-parse.php on line 64

[05-Feb-2017 05:55:01] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  SCRIPT_NAME in /home/public_html/variables.php on line 91

init.parse.php kodları şu şekilde


 * The general (non-delivery engine) function to parse the configuration .ini file
 * @param string $configPath The directory to load the config file from.
 *                           Default is Max's /var directory.
 * @param string $configFile The configuration file name (eg. "geotargeting").
 *                           Default is no name (ie. the main Max
 *                           configuration file).
 * @param boolean $sections  Process sections, as per parse_ini_file().
 * @param string  $type      The config file type value (eg. ".php"). Allows BC
 *                           support for old ".ini" files.
 * @return mixed The array resulting from the call to parse_ini_file(), with
 *               the appropriate .php file for the installation.
function parseIniFile($configPath = null, $configFile = null, $sections = true, $type = '.php')
    // Set up the configuration .ini file path location
    if (is_null($configPath)) {
        $configPath = MAX_PATH . '/var';
    // Set up the configuration .ini file type name
    if (!is_null($configFile)) {
        $configFile = '.' . $configFile;
    // Is this a web, or a cli call?
    if (is_null($configFile) && !isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['argv'][1]) && !file_exists($configPath . '/default' . $configFile . '.conf' . $type)) {
            echo MAX_PRODUCT_NAME . " was called via the command line, but had no host as a parameter.\n";
        $host = trim($GLOBALS['argv'][1]);
    } else {
       $host = getHostName();
    // Is the system running the test environment?
    if (is_null($configFile) && defined('TEST_ENVIRONMENT_RUNNING')) {
        if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
            // If test runs from web-client first check if host test config exists
            // This could be used to have different tests for different configurations
            $testFilePath = $configPath . '/'.$host.'.test.conf' . $type;
            if (file_exists($testFilePath)) {
                return @parse_ini_file($testFilePath, $sections);
        // Does the test environment config exist?
        $testFilePath = $configPath . '/test.conf' . $type;
        if (file_exists($testFilePath)) {
            return @parse_ini_file($testFilePath, $sections);
        } else {
            // Define a value so that we know the testing environment is not
            // configured, so that the TestRenner class knows not to run any
            // tests, and return an empty config
            define('TEST_ENVIRONMENT_NO_CONFIG', true);
            return array();
    // Is the .ini file for the hostname being used directly accessible?
    if (file_exists($configPath . '/' . $host . $configFile . '.conf' . $type)) {
        // Parse the configuration file
        $conf = @parse_ini_file($configPath . '/' . $host . $configFile . '.conf' . $type, $sections);
        // Is this a real config file?
        if (!isset($conf['realConfig'])) {
            // Yes, return the parsed configuration file
            return $conf;
        // Parse and return the real configuration .ini file
        if (file_exists($configPath . '/' . $conf['realConfig'] . $configFile . '.conf' . $type)) {
            $realConfig = @parse_ini_file(MAX_PATH . '/var/' . $conf['realConfig'] . '.conf' . $type, true);
            return mergeConfigFiles($realConfig, $conf);
    } elseif ($configFile === '.plugin') {
        // For plugins, if no configuration file is found, return the sane default values
        $pluginType = basename($configPath);
        $defaultConfig = MAX_PATH . '/plugins/' . $pluginType . '/default.plugin.conf' . $type;
        if (file_exists($defaultConfig)) {
            return parse_ini_file($defaultConfig, $sections);
        } else {
            echo MAX_PRODUCT_NAME . " could not read the default configuration file for the {$pluginType} plugin";
    // Check for a default.conf.php file...
    if (file_exists($configPath . '/default' . $configFile . '.conf' . $type)) {
        // Parse the configuration file
        $conf = @parse_ini_file($configPath . '/default' . $configFile . '.conf' . $type, $sections);
        // Is this a real config file?
        if (!isset($conf['realConfig'])) {
            // Yes, return the parsed configuration file
            return $conf;
        // Parse and return the real configuration .ini file
        if (file_exists($configPath . '/' . $conf['realConfig'] . $configFile . '.conf' . $type)) {
            $realConfig = @parse_ini_file(MAX_PATH . '/var/' . $conf['realConfig'] . '.conf' . $type, true);
            return mergeConfigFiles($realConfig, $conf);
    // Got all this way, and no configuration file yet found - maybe
    // the user is upgrading from an old version where the config
    // files have a .ini prefix instead of .php...
    global $installing;
    if ($installing)
        // ah but MMM might be installed, check for the ini file
        if (file_exists($configPath . '/' . $host . $configFile . '.conf.ini'))
            return parseIniFile($configPath, $configFile, $sections, '.ini');
        if (!$configFile)
            // Openads hasn't been installed, so use the distribution .ini file
            // this deals with letting a PAN install get into the ugprader
            return @parse_ini_file(MAX_PATH . '/etc/dist.conf.php', $sections);
        //return parseIniFile($configPath, $configFile, $sections, '.ini');

    // Check to ensure Openads hasn't been installed
    if (file_exists(MAX_PATH . '/var/INSTALLED'))
        // ah but MMM might be installed, check for the ini file
        if (file_exists($configPath . '/' . $host . $configFile . '.conf.ini'))
            return parseIniFile($configPath, $configFile, $sections, '.ini');
        echo MAX_PRODUCT_NAME . " has been installed, but no configuration file ".$configPath . '/' . $host . $configFile . '.conf.php'." was found.\n";
    // Openads hasn't been installed, so use the distribution .ini file
    return @parse_ini_file(MAX_PATH . '/etc/dist.conf.php', $sections);



variables.php kodları şu şekilde


 * Setup common variables - used by both delivery and admin part as well
 * This function should be executed after the config file is read in.
 * The reason behind using GLOBAL variables is that
 * there are faster than constants
function setupConfigVariables()
    // Set the URL access mechanism
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['openads']['requireSSL'])) {
        $GLOBALS['_MAX']['HTTP'] = 'https://';
    } else {
        if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) {
            if (isset($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['openads']['sslPort'])
                && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['openads']['sslPort'])
                $GLOBALS['_MAX']['HTTP'] = 'https://';
            } else {
                $GLOBALS['_MAX']['HTTP'] = 'http://';

    // Maximum random number (use default if doesn't exist - eg the case when application is upgraded)
    $GLOBALS['_MAX']['MAX_RAND'] = isset($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['priority']['randmax']) ?
        $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['priority']['randmax'] : 2147483647;

    // Set time zone, for more info @see setTimeZoneLocation()
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['timezone']['location'])) {

 * A function to initialize $_SERVER variables which could be missing
 * on some environments
function setupServerVariables()
    // PHP-CGI/IIS combination does not set REQUEST_URI
    if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
        if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
            $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

 * A function to initialize the environmental constants and global
 * variables required by delivery.
function setupDeliveryConfigVariables()
    if (!defined('MAX_PATH')) {
        define('MAX_PATH', dirname(__FILE__));
    // Ensure that the initialisation has not been run before
    if ( !(isset($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']))) {
        // Parse the Max configuration file
        $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'] = parseDeliveryIniFile();

    // Set up the common configuration variables

 * Set a timezone location using the proper method for the user's PHP
 * version.
 * Ensure that the TZ environment variable is set for PHP < 5.1.0, so
 * that PEAR::Date class knows which timezone we are in, and doesn't
 * screw up the dates after using the PEAR::compare() method; also,
 * ensure that an appropriate timezone is set, if required, to allow
 * the time zone to be other than the time zone of the server.
 * @param string $location  Time zone location
function setTimeZoneLocation($location)
    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.0', '>=')) {
        // Set new time zone
    } else {
        // Set new time zone

 * Returns the hostname the script is running under.
 * @return string containing the hostname (with port number stripped).
function getHostName()
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
        $host = explode(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
        $host = $host[0];
    } else if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
        $host = explode(':', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
        $host = $host[0];
    return $host;

 * Returns the hostname (with port) the script is running under.
 * @return string containing the hostname with port
function getHostNameWithPort()
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
        $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    } else if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
        $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
    return $host;

 * A function to define the PEAR include path in a separate method,
 * as it is required by delivery only in exceptional circumstances.
function setupIncludePath()
    static $checkIfAlreadySet;
    if (isset($checkIfAlreadySet)) {
    $checkIfAlreadySet = true;

    // Define the PEAR installation path
    $existingPearPath = ini_get('include_path');
    if (!empty($existingPearPath)) {
        $newPearPath .= PATH_SEPARATOR . $existingPearPath;
    ini_set('include_path', $newPearPath);

 * Returns minimum required amount of memory for used PHP version
 * @return integer  Required minimum amount of memory (in bytes)
function getMinimumRequiredMemory()
    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.0', '>=')) {
        return $GLOBALS['_MAX']['REQUIRED_MEMORY']['PHP5'];
    return $GLOBALS['_MAX']['REQUIRED_MEMORY']['PHP4'];

 * Set a minimum amount of memory required by Openads
 * @param integer $setMemory  A new memory limit (in bytes)
 * @return boolean  true if memory is already bigger or when an attempt to
 *                  set a memory was succesfull, else false
function increaseMemoryLimit($setMemory) {

    $memory = getMemorySizeInBytes();
    if ($memory == -1) {
        // unlimited
        return true;

    if ($setMemory > $memory) {
        if (@ini_set('memory_limit', $setMemory) === false) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * Check how much memory is available for php, converts it into bytes and returns.
 * @param mixed $size The size to be converted
 * @return mixed
function getMemorySizeInBytes() {
    $phpMemory = ini_get('memory_limit');
    if (empty($phpMemory) || $phpMemory == -1) {
        // unlimited
        return -1;

    $aSize = array(
        'G' => 1073741824,
        'M' => 1048576,
        'K' => 1024
    $size = $phpMemory;
    foreach($aSize as $type => $multiplier) {
        $pos = strpos($phpMemory, $type);
        if (!$pos) {
            $pos = strpos($phpMemory, strtolower($type));
        if ($pos) {
            $size = substr($phpMemory, 0, $pos) * $multiplier;
    return $size;


Strict Standards: Non-static method hatası lütfen

Strict Standards: Non-static method MAD_Admin_Redirect::redirect() should not be called statically in ad/index.php on line 13 hatası yardım edin lütfen

yardımcı olursanız cok sevinirim


define('ROOT_INDEX', true);

// Require the initialisation file
require_once 'init.php';

// Required files
require_once MAD_PATH . '/functions/adminredirect.php';

// Redirect to the admin interface




class MAD_Admin_Redirect

    function redirect($adminPage = 'www/cp/index.php')
header ("Location: ".$adminPage."");


7 yıl 7 ay önce yanıtladın

Aşağıda vermiş oldugum kodu değiştirmek istiyorum

Aşağıda vermiş oldugum kodu değiştirmek istiyorum ama bir türlü beceremedim , yardımcı olursanız cok sevinirim.
asagıda ki kod banner eklemek için jpeg,png ve gif secenegı sunuyor.ben ıse upload yerıne banner resım olarak degıl de ıframe veya js tag olarak eklemek ıstıyorum.asagıda kı kodu nasıl modıfıye etmem grekıyor.yardımcı olursanız cok sevınırım. 

$upload_directory = DIR_UPLOADS_BANNER_ADS;

if( $_FILES ) {
    $replace_image    =    'false';

$object = new chip_upload();
$files = $object->get_upload_var( $_FILES['banner-image'] );


    foreach( $files as $file ) {
        $args = array(
            'upload_file'         =>   $file,
            'upload_directory'    =>   $upload_directory,
            'allowed_size'        =>   MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE,
            'extension_check'     =>   TRUE,
            'upload_overwrite'    =>   FALSE,

    $allowed_extensions = array(
        'pdf'   => FALSE,
        'png'   => TRUE,
        'jpg'   => TRUE,
        'jpeg'   => TRUE,

    $upload_hook = $object->get_upload( $args, $allowed_extensions );
    if( $upload_hook['upload_move'] == TRUE ) {
            $replace_image    =    'true';
            $upload_output = $object->get_upload_move();
            $bannerImage    =    $upload_output['uploaded_file'].'.'.$upload_output['uploaded_extension'];            
        } else {
            $replace_image    =    'false';




7 yıl 7 ay önce yanıtladın

Strict Standards: Non-static method hatası lütfen

06 Aralık 2016 tarihinde cevaplandı

vermiş oldugunuz kodla değiştirdim fakat sorun hala devam ediyor.

1 aydır bakmadığım forum kalmadı.:(

sizce başka neyden kaynaklanıyor olabilir acaba?

Strict Standards: Non-static method hatası lütfen

06 Aralık 2016 tarihinde cevaplandı

index.php ye mi adminredirect.php mi ye mi ekleyeceğim.

aşağıda ki gibi mi?

public static class MAD_Admin_Redirect

function redirect($adminPage = 'www/cp/index.php')
header ("Location: ".$adminPage."");
