İstanbul-I (Avrupa)
31/01/2014 tarihinden beri üye
115 GY Puanı
41K GY Sırası
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3 Soru Sordu
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ITU Computer Engineering

ITU Computer Engineering

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İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
| Aralık 2020 - Aralık 2020

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Warning of Google Play Developer policy violation

Hello Google Play Developer, Our records show that your app, Masal Vakti, with package name com.********.**********.*******, currently violates our User Data policy regarding Personal and Sensitive Information. Policy issue: Google Play requires developers to provide a valid privacy policy when the app requests or handles sensitive user or device information. Your app requests sensitive permissions (e.g. camera, microphone, accounts, contacts, or phone) or user data, but does not include a valid privacy policy. Action required: Include a link to a valid privacy policy on your app's Store Listing page and within your app. You can find more information in our help center. Alternatively, you may opt-out of this requirement by removing any requests for sensitive permissions or user data. If you have additional apps in your catalog, please make sure they are compliant with our Prominent Disclosure requirements. Please resolve this issue by March 15, 2017, or administrative action will be taken to limit the visibility of your app, up to and including removal from the Play Store. Thanks for helping us provide a clear and transparent experience for Google Play users. Regards, The Google Play Team Böyle bir mail geldi ne yapmam gerekiyor. Gizlilik politikasını ne yazmalıyım

Playtlist oluşturma

Liste içindeki online mp3 linklerini nasıl arka planda sırayla çalabilirim?

7 yıl 9 ay önce yanıtladın

Google Play Store'ye Koyduğum Uygulamam Hemen Kaldırılıyor

Google Play Store'ye Koyduğum Uygulamam 1 saat içerisinde hemen kaldırılıyor 3 kez denememe rağmen hemen kaldırıyorlar logo ve iconlar kendi tasarımım attığı mail de şu:


This is a notification that your application, Kablosuz Tv, with package ID com.tolkanapp.kablosuztvizle, has been removed from the Google Play Store.

REASON FOR REMOVAL: Violation of the intellectual property and impersonation or deceptive behavior provisions of the Content Policy. Please refer to the IP infringement and impersonation policy help article for more information.

This particular app has been disabled as a policy strike. If your developer account is still in good standing, you may revise and upload a policy compliant version of this application as a new package name.

This notification also serves as notice for remaining, unsuspended violations in your catalog, and you may avoid further app suspensions by immediately unpublishing any apps in violation of (but not limited to) the above policy. Once you have resolved any existing violations, you may republish the app(s) at will. Before publishing applications, please ensure your apps’ compliance with the Developer Distribution Agreement and Content Policy.

All violations are tracked. Serious or repeated violations of any nature will result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and payment transaction fees) from you.

If you feel we have made this determination in error, you can visit the Google Play Help Center article for additional information regarding this removal.

The Google Play Team

9 yıl 9 ay önce yanıtladın

Google Play Store'ye Koyduğum Uygulamam Hemen Kaldırılıyor

25 Aralık 2014 tarihinde cevaplandı
Tv logolarini internetten cekiyor bide markette bir suru tv izleme uygulamasi var peki onlari nasil kaldirmiyorlar

Google Play Store'ye Koyduğum Uygulamam Hemen Kaldırılıyor

25 Aralık 2014 tarihinde cevaplandı
Googlenin politikasina aykiri hicbirsey yok uygulamamda