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31.01.2019 - 04:06
        primaryKeys = {JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID, JOIN_INDEX},
        indices = {
                @Index(value = {JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID, JOIN_INDEX}, unique = true),
                @Index(value = {JOIN_STREAM_ID})
        foreignKeys = {
                @ForeignKey(entity = PlaylistEntity.class,
                        parentColumns = PlaylistEntity.PLAYLIST_ID,
                        childColumns = JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID,
                        onDelete = CASCADE, onUpdate = CASCADE, deferred = true),
                @ForeignKey(entity = StreamEntity.class,
                        parentColumns = StreamEntity.STREAM_ID,
                        childColumns = JOIN_STREAM_ID,
                        onDelete = CASCADE, onUpdate = CASCADE, deferred = true)
public class PlaylistStreamEntity {

    final public static String PLAYLIST_STREAM_JOIN_TABLE   = "playlist_stream_join";
    final public static String JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID             = "playlist_id";
    final public static String JOIN_STREAM_ID               = "stream_id";
    final public static String JOIN_INDEX                   = "join_index";

    @ColumnInfo(name = JOIN_PLAYLIST_ID)
    private long playlistUid;

    @ColumnInfo(name = JOIN_STREAM_ID)
    private long streamUid;

    @ColumnInfo(name = JOIN_INDEX)
    private int Index;

    public PlaylistStreamEntity(final long playlistUid, final long streamUid, final int index) {
        this.playlistUid = playlistUid;
        this.streamUid = streamUid;
        this.Index = index;

    public long getPlaylistUid() {
        return playlistUid;

    public long getStreamUid() {
        return streamUid;

    public int getIndex() {
        return Index;

    public void setPlaylistUid(long playlistUid) {
        this.playlistUid = playlistUid;

    public void setStreamUid(long streamUid) {
        this.streamUid = streamUid;

    public void setIndex(int index) {
        this.Index = index;




HATA error: Entities and Pojos must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type).
Tried the following constructors but they failed to match:
PlaylistStreamEntity(long,long,int) -> [param:playlistUid -> matched field:playlistUid, param:streamUid -> matched field:streamUid, param:index -> matched field:unmatched]


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3 Cevap

Sitedeki sorulara cevap verebilmek için giriş yapın ya da üye olun.

Profile picture for user MelihDemircan
04.02.2019 - 01:41

empty constructor oluşturusan çözülür.

public PlaylistStreamEntity() { }

Profile picture for user MelihDemircan
04.02.2019 - 01:37

empty constructor oluşturusan çözülür.

public PlaylistStreamEntity() {   }


Profile picture for user MelihDemircan
04.02.2019 - 01:35

empty constructor oluşturusan çözülür.

public PlaylistStreamEntity() {   }